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How to get to Koh Chang

Travel Tips: How to Get to Koh Chang Easily

Discover seamless travel options with our guide on how to get to Koh Chang. Explore the best transportation strategies for a stress-free journey.

With over 1.1 million visitors gracing its shores each year, Koh Chang isn’t just Thailand’s second-largest island—it’s a tropical paradise that has steadily become a hit among global travelers seeking serenity and adventure. Nestled in the Gulf of Thailand, knowing how to get to Koh Chang is essential for optimizing your travel itinerary. Whether you’re yearning for the crystalline waters, the lush jungle terrain, or the white sandy beaches, reaching Koh Chang is a journey of discovery in itself.

This Koh Chang travel guide unveils the plethora of transport options catering to different needs and preferences. From tips that can save you time to options that ensure maximum comfort or affordability, here’s an insight into the best way to reach Koh Chang, making the trip as memorable as the destination. While getting to Koh Chang Thailand might seem daunting, it involves a simple step-by-step process that’ll navigate you right to the island’s doorstep effortlessly.

Finding the right path to paradise involves a combination of land and sea travel, but once you have the know-how, the journey is straightforward. So, if you’re compiling your Koh Chang travel tips, let’s embark on a virtual route to guide you through the journey’s options, ensuring when you make the trip, you do so with confidence and ease.

Key Takeaways

  • Over a million annual visitors make their way to Koh Chang, revealing the island’s popularity as a must-visit destination.
  • Several transportation options are available and choosing the right one is dependent on personal preferences for speed, budget, and comfort.
  • The final stretch to Koh Chang always involves a ferry, so travelers should be mindful of the ferry schedules and their connection times.
  • Understanding the varied transport methods will enhance the overall travel experience, making the journey part of the adventure.
  • Ultimately, with the correct information in hand, organizing your trip to Koh Chang can be a streamlined and enjoyable process.

Understanding Your Transportation Options to Koh Chang

For those planning a trip to the picturesque island of Koh Chang, understanding the array of transportation options to Koh Chang is essential for a smooth journey. Whether you seek the fastest route or the most budget-friendly way to reach your tropical destination, several choices are at your disposal. It’s important to align your selection with factors such as cost, convenience, and personal travel preferences. In this section, we’ll delve into the various Koh Chang transport options, providing you with all the necessary directions to Koh Chang you’ll need to plan an unforgettable getaway.

Mode of Transportation Advantages Cost Estimate
Flying to Trat Airport Quick and direct Varies with airline and season
Private Land Transfer Flexibility and comfort Higher cost but tailored experience
Shared Land Transfer Cost-effective; social Lower than private transfers
Government Bus Economical; frequent schedules Most affordable option
Private Bus Services Convenient for tourists Includes ferry ticket price

Frequent travelers often recommend the flight to nearby Trat Airport followed by a short transfer to the island for the quickest arrival. Conversely, those looking for cheap transportation to Koh Chang may opt for the time-tested government-run buses. However, if your priority is to travel with ease, noting your exact pick-up location, consider booking a private or shared transfer. The chart above provides a quick reference to help determine which transport method best matches your needs.

  • Flying: Ideal for those who prefer to minimize travel time and enjoy the aerial views.
  • Land Transfers: Perfect for groups seeking privacy or for those desiring door-to-door service.
  • Buses: Best suited for solo adventurers or travelers with a keen eye on the budget.

Tip: Always check the timetables for land transfers and buses in advance, as schedules can fluctuate based on the season.

Flying to Koh Chang via Trat Airport

Embarking on an adventure to Koh Chang has never been more efficient with direct flights offered by Bangkok Airways. These routes cater specifically to travelers looking to minimize transit time and maximize their island experience. Flying to Trat Airport is the fastest way to approach the beauty of Koh Chang, ensuring that your travel is as smooth as the island’s serene beaches.

The Convenience of Direct Flights from Bangkok

Frequent flyers will appreciate the four daily flights that connect Bangkok to Trat, the gateway to Koh Chang. Each flight duration is a brief one-hour trip, designed to align with the Koh Chang ferry schedule. This synchronization guarantees that upon your aerial descent, the azure waters of Koh Chang are just a short ferry ride away.

Flying to Trat Airport

Trat Airport to Koh Chang: Seamless Minibus Transfers

Upon landing, the journey to Koh Chang is streamlined with minibus services that take you directly to the ferry piers. Whether you opt for the exclusive Bangkok Airways minibus or a shared transfer service, you’ll find the ride includes the ferry cost, with prices typically ranging from 650 to 750 Baht. The seamless coordination of these services ensures that understanding how to travel to Koh Chang is straightforward and leaves you stress-free as you transit to your island accommodation.

Private and Shared Transfers to Koh Chang

When traveling to Koh Chang, various transportation options are available to suit your preferences and needs. Whether you value your privacy and comfort or are looking for a more cost-effective way to reach the island, private and shared transfers offer convenient solutions.

Booking a Private Car or Minibus for Comfort

If convenience and privacy are high on your list, booking a private car or minibus can be the ideal choice for koh chang transportation. This service is tailored for those who desire a direct and personalized journey from Bangkok, inclusive of airport pickups, and any location within the city. It’s a popular choice for families, groups, and those who prefer not making stops en route to their destination.

Shared Minibus Services to Koh Chang: A Budget-Friendly Alternative

Those seeking a more economically friendly transportation to koh chang can opt for the shared minibus services. These minibuses provide a compromise between cost and comfort, often including the ferry ticket in their pricing. They are readily available at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport and can also be booked in advance for hotel pick-up arrangements.

Type of Transfer Point of Departure Include Ferry Approximate Cost (Baht)
Private Car Bangkok (City/Airport) Optional 2,500 – 4,500
Private Minibus Bangkok (City/Airport) Optional 3,000 – 5,000
Shared Minibus Suvarnabhumi Airport Yes 600 – 1,100

While traveling to Koh Chang, it’s essential to consider the balance between cost, convenience, and time. The type of transfer you choose will greatly influence your overall travel experience to this tropical paradise.

Travelers preparing for Koh Chang transportation

Bangkok to Koh Chang by Bus

Traveling by bus to Koh Chang from Bangkok is not just budget-friendly; it’s also an adventure through Thailand’s scenic landscapes. Whether you’re a solo traveler or in a group, the journey to Koh Chang’s idyllic beaches can start with a simple bus ride, making getting around Koh Chang easily accessible to everyone.

public bus to Koh Chang

Affordable Bus Routes to the Ferry Piers

For those seeking an economical choice, the public bus to Koh Chang is a popular option. Departing from Ekamai Bus Terminal, the 999 Government bus service is renowned for its affordability and reliability, setting the stage for a cost-effective beginning to your island adventure.

Departure Point Bus Number Price Approximate Journey Time
Ekamai Bus Terminal 999 260 Baht 5-6 Hours
Suvarnabhumi Airport Varies 300+ Baht 6-7 Hours

Public vs. Private Bus Services: Weighing Your Options

While Koh Chang by bus is straightforward with the public services, private bus companies also offer routes, especially convenient for those starting their journey from tourist-centric locations like Khao San Road. These services often include the ferry ticket in their packages, allowing travelers to arrange their entire transit to the island in one step.

Whether you’re leaning towards the government-regulated buses or the tourist-friendly private services, traveling by bus to Koh Chang can be tailored to meet your preferences and budget, assuring that every trip to this island paradise begins on a good note.

Catching the Ferry to Koh Chang

Upon reaching the shores of Laem Ngop, the gateway to Koh Chang’s serene beauty is just a ferry ride away. For many, this is where the adventure begins. Every traveler’s journey is unique, but the anticipation is universal—exploring Koh Chang’s lush landscapes, pristine beaches, and vibrant coral reefs awaits just across the waters.

Choosing Between Ao Thammachat and Centerpoint Piers

The decision on where to disembark for Koh Chang lies between two main piers—Ao Thammachat and Centerpoint. Those yearning for swift passage often prefer Ao Thammachat, the bustling hub that serves Ferry Koh Chang with a robust koh chang ferry schedule, offering voyages that are both frequent and brief, efficiently shepherding travelers to their island retreat. On the other hand, Centerpoint Pier, despite its slower pace and less frequent departures, entices with the perk of free car transport—ideal for those bringing vehicles to explore the island at leisure.

Ferry Schedules and Pricing Information

Understanding how to get to Koh Chang involves familiarizing oneself with the timetables. The ferries start their daily dance across the water at 06:30 AM, with their last call at the gentle hour of 7:00 PM. Whether it’s catching the ferry to Koh Chang for a day’s excursion or beginning a longer sojourn, the journey is not just about reaching the destination, it’s part of the treasured memories to be made. With a ticket price of 80 Baht for foot passengers at Centerpoint, and a similarly modest fare at Ao Thammachat, your gateway to paradise does not demand a steep price. So, as you ponder on the various Koh Chang transport options, rest assured that whether you prioritize promptness or pocket-friendliness, the ferries stand ready to whisk you to the wonders awaiting on the island.


What are the best ways to get to Koh Chang?

The best ways to reach Koh Chang include flying to Trat Airport and taking a minibus to the pier, booking private or shared land transfers directly to the piers, or taking government-run or private buses to the Laem Ngop’s ferry piers. Choosing the right transportation depends on your budget, time constraints, and preference for comfort.

What are the transportation options to Koh Chang on a budget?

Budget-friendly options include shared minibus services available from Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi airport, or taking a government-run 999 bus from Bangkok’s Ekamai Bus Terminal to Laem Ngop’s ferry piers, followed by a ferry to Koh Chang.

Can I fly directly to Koh Chang?

While there’s no direct flight to Koh Chang, you can fly to nearby Trat Airport via Bangkok Airways, which offers flights timed to match with ferry crossings. From Trat Airport, a seamless transfer via minibus service will get you to the ferry pier and onto Koh Chang.

How do I book a private car or minibus to Koh Chang?

You can book private cars or minibuses from private transfer companies, which offer pickups from anywhere in Bangkok, including the airport. These services provide a direct drive to the ferry piers, where you can travel onwards to Koh Chang.

Is there a budget-friendly alternative to private transfers?

Yes, shared minibus services are a great budget-friendly alternative to private transfers, offering pre-arranged pickups from hotels or available without prior booking from Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi airport. Prices typically include ferry passage to Koh Chang.

Which bus should I take from Bangkok to Koh Chang?

You have the option of taking a 999 Government bus from the Ekamai Bus Terminal for an economical trip or choosing a private bus service that departs from various locations in Bangkok, including the Suvarnabhumi Airport to Laem Ngop’s ferry piers. The choice depends on your location and preference for travel service.

How do I choose between Ao Thammachat and Centerpoint ferry piers?

Your choice between Ao Thammachat and Centerpoint ferry piers may depend on ferry schedules, proximity to your accommodation on Koh Chang, and whether you are bringing a vehicle. Ao Thammachat offers a more frequent schedule and shorter crossing times, while Centerpoint allows free car transportation but charges a fee for passengers.

What are the ferry schedules and pricing to Koh Chang?

Ferries to Koh Chang operate from around 06:30 to 19:00 daily. Ferry Koh Chang from Ao Thammachat tends to be preferred for its frequent schedule and shorter crossing times, and Centerpoint Ferry offers free car transport with a charge of about 80 Baht for passengers. Prices and schedules may vary, so it’s recommended to check the latest information before your journey.

Is there a way to combine flight and ferry when traveling to Koh Chang?

Yes, Bangkok Airways provides flights from Bangkok to Trat Airport, which can be combined with their minibus service that includes the ferry crossing to Koh Chang. This is a convenient way to book a combined ticket that covers both flight and ferry travel.

Can I catch a bus directly from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Koh Chang?

Yes, you can catch a bus from Suvarnabhumi Airport that goes directly to Laem Ngop’s ferry piers. This service usually includes the cost of the ferry ticket to Koh Chang and can be pre-booked for convenience.

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